Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of 5/30/22

PEF Week of May 30


Keep in mind that Mercury in Taurus moving backwards into a square to Saturn in Aquarius from the 1stthrough the 8th. What needs to be reconsidered from those areas of life? Make the changes or you will be pushed. Have the hard conversations and set those boundaries.


May 30th New Moon at 9 degrees of Gemini at 7:30 am EST. Mars and Jupiter are hanging tightly together, but there are no other aspects; a clear slate to write your fate. It’s been a while since we had a good manifestation, Moon; use this one for your best evolution in the Gemini area of life. Gemini loves writing, communication, expression; speak your dreams to the World. Let that Mars Jupiter in Aries propel you forward but in a sensible, measured way. Do not succumb to anger or violence.


May 31 the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces at 4:10 pm EST and then voids out until the middle of the night. Floaty, dreamy, delusional. Watch substances.


June 1 Moon in Cancer squares Jupiter and Mars in Aries, but flows with Venus; you could be easily emotionally triggered, especially around themes of personal safety and home and family. Stay grounded in reality and don’t let your emotions run away with you.


June 2, Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus and squares Chiron in Aries; synchronicity sparks so look for bits of luck. Could be some difficult emotions surface, pursue healthy and holistic responses to emotional triggers.


June 3, Mercury DIRECT at 26 degrees of Taurus; note any Mercury Rx lessons. It’s still in shadow for a few weeks, but you can begin to breathe easier. Moon active, opposes Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius prep to station Rx. Some slow downs in the Aquarius area of your life.


June 4, Saturn stations Rx 5:47 pm at 25 degrees of Aquarius; where is that in your chart? Where must you be “adulting” a little extra hard? What things that you haven’t tended to pop up to be managed? Do the hard things, don’t leave it to fester.


June 5 Moon in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius and squares the Nodes which are in Taurus and Scorpio. Big feels; like a truth bomb; don’t overreact. It will show you a glimpse of the future and you need to react with wisdom.