Nuit Astrology

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Compatability: Virgo and Capricorn

Let’s talk about compatibility between the earthy signs of Virgo, Goddess of Grain and Capricorn, the Sea-Goat. These are two signs that can find many natural connections and easy rapport with each other, particularly in a work environment. Neither one will let their guard down easily, but the attraction of mutual capability will tend to magnetize them towards each other. That quiet strength and natural efficiency that each of them value will be hard to miss. And could lead to a romantic connection if both are looking for love.


Our dear Virgo might be too self-conscious in the light of the disciplined Capricorn; and the Capricorn might be so busy working, they scarcely notice our savvy, stylish Virgo. The Capricorn might need to take the lead.


In order to define the relationship between the two signs, they need a mutual goal and mutual respect. Aligned for the same cause; aligned with the same vision, these two could become unstoppable.


Sexually, Virgo might be more forward, as long as they were feeling put together and attractive to themselves. Their own self-esteem in the moment contributes mightily to their desire, and if they are feeling self-conscious, they could retreat. Capricorn is willing to take the time to woo our Virgo, who will need to be shown a quality, high-class good time. Capricorn will shine, showing them their rock-solid stability and commitment – but can they take the time to play and enjoy themselves? Virgo’s hidden kinky side could really bring that Capricorn to turn the tables and explore their vulnerability. Never forget they are both Earth signs and will enjoy sensual pleasures together.


As far as emotional compatibility, Capricorn will need to learn to surf the waves of the changeable Virgo. Capricorns can be patient, but will only dedicate so much of their time and energy to the angst that can beset the Virgo. Keeping communication clear and open is key; remembering that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mind and speech, and Capricorn by Saturn, the sign of limitation and rules, is vital to understanding this dynamic.


The biggest stumbling blocks? Like most relationships, the biggest obstacles tend to be lower vibe expressions of each astrology sign. The Virgo’s gifts for organization and analysis can become undone by their desire for perfection or unreasonable expectations of others. The Capricorn’s steadiness, strength and commitment can be undermined through overwork, power struggles, or superficial desires for money or objects.


To form a lasting bond, Virgos and Capricorns must find authentic expression of their goals and aspirations, but also find daily ways to connect with each other. Consistent planning of long-term goals as well as a firm daily schedule that they plan together will help. Non-competitive physical outlets like going to the gym together; cooking delicious and nutritious meals; or working on home projects can all be wonderful methods to weave together a strong relationship.