Your 2024 Vision Board

What is it that you really want in 2024? What is your “vision?”

One of the best ways to dive deep into understanding what you want to create is through the process of making a Vision Board. They are different than the practice of Tarka (a Kriya practice of life review based on the 12-houses of astrology) or simply making New Year’s Resolutions.

The reason is that your mind doesn’t speak English, Spanish or whatever language it is that you use to communicate. It speaks in symbols. Just think of the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This refers to this concept. For example, a lit candle is a symbol of warmth, light, heat and hope that has lived on for many generations. Even now with the relatively “new” technology of electricity, it is still a powerful symbol to your subconscious mind.

Sometimes we struggle to wrap words around what we want. Or perhaps we have said “I want a nice car, a nice husband, a beautiful home and 2 kids” and you get those things and realize — it’s not those actual things that you wanted. You actually wanted the freedom to travel comfortably (car), someone to love who loves you back (husband), a safe warm place to live (home) and somewhere to direct your love and nurturing (kids). It is possible to obtain those things and still feel unfulfilled. This is when the power of symbols can help you to refine and redefine what it is that you wish to manifest.

The connection to astrology is that it is another language of the soul that doesn’t necessarily rely on words, but on symbols. An event can be “Saturnian” ie limiting, restricting or foundational. Or an event can “Jupiterian” ie expansive, wisdom-filled or lucky. This not only helps to explain energy, but also personality traits. For example, if you are someone who is very precise, who prefers order and tells people what they are doing wrong, that is a Virgo tendency. If you are someone who often feels detached from social norms, who is interested in technology and tends to not be touchy-feely, you could say you have Aquarian tendencies.

You can also use astrology to classify the various areas of life, because the astrological houses are divided into 12 realms. For example, the first house is you, your body and your outlook on life. But your seventh house is the house of partnership, lovers, spouses, business partners and people you are competing with. Just another system of classification that can help you to refine your manifestation practices.

How to Begin?

Like any manifestation technique, you must begin with intention. What is it that you want or need? Refine, make lists. Cut out photographs from magazines or use a free photo source to create a collage of inspirational and aspirational images, words and phrases. Analyze any patterns or unfulfilled desires and explore those areas and desires to complete your Vision Board.

Remember a key to manifestation is to feel worthy to receive what you are manifesting. If you do not believe you are worthy, you are like a lack-magnet. You will repel what it is you desire, even if it is coming towards you. Because you can’t believe that goodness will happy for you.

Once the board is prepared, I recommend “charging” it by ritually placing it somewhere you will see it often. It doesn’t have to be a public room in your home or office, it can be just for you. Or perhaps you prefer a more public space. But you want to keep these concepts in your daily consciousness.

Ritually bless the board with your intentions, perhaps speaking them aloud in front of it. New Moons are the best time for this! They are the Moon of starting new things. You could (carefully) light a candle or even create a small altar with the board as its centerpiece, adding symbolic statutes, stones or other items.

As I am fond of telling my children (and my students and clients) “wishes take WORK.” It’s not enough to birth the vision. You need to use your physical body, your mind and your words to manifest this reality. And remember that “life’s delays are not life’s denials” (a quote from my teacher Goswami Kriayananda).

The Ultimate Goal

Remember that the ultimate goal is happiness. And it depends on what you think will bring you that. Some people might need a new career path to become happy; some might want more free time. Others might not be enjoying their life and want to bring in more joy, play and fun. Some might want to create a long-term love relationship and others might wish to take this year to heal and focus on themselves.

It really comes down to what makes YOU happy. Because happy makes you money. Happy makes you friends. Happy brings joy. And if you don’t know what makes you happy, it’s time to make space and find out.

Mental Patterns That Power Manifestations

Absolutely. First, let go of your unconscious negative mantras. For example, many people say things like “I’m always broke” or “I always screw up relationships” or “I don’t need much help.” These unconscious statements, whether only internal or spoken aloud will undermine your vision board. You must become aware of them, and work to stop saying them. And out loud OR in your head; both have a strong impact.

If you find yourself saying these old negative mantras, stop yourself; say instead “I no longer say I don’t need help, I embrace the help of my friends and family, and will respond in kind.” Whatever negative habit you had, say the reverse of it.

Once this pattern is dismantled, use positive words; or embrace a positive mantra or affirmation. Examples:

“Every day and in every way I am achieving my goals and living the life of my dreams.”

“Every day and in every way I am becoming healthier, happier and more filled with joy and abundance.”

“Love, joy, happiness and abundance are my birthright and my new life.”

“I deserve happiness, love, joy and abundance and I will share that goodness with others.”

Wishing you the deepest blessings of peace, health, happiness, joy, abundance and love this coming year and into the future.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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