Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of October 16, 2023

PEF Week of October 16



October 16, Scorpy Moon opposes Jupiter in Taurus, slow down . . . .


October 17, Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus; trines to Neptune in Pisces; sextiles Pluto in Capricorn; void from 11:44 am to 3:36 pm EST; moves into Sagittarius and squares to Saturn. Very intense emotions, don’t be overly reactive, be discerning.


October 18, Sun conjunct South Node in Libra which will tone down the creative energy and feel depleting, opposes North Node in Aries. Sagittarius Moon squares Venus, so watch your mouth. Mercury preparing to merge with the Sun and South Node, could be some communication issues or a feeling that you cannot be heard.


October 19, Precise cazimi Sun/Mercury, picking up a square to Pluto in Capricorn which makes things more erratic. At some point you will have a revelation, write it down. Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune in Pisces; sextiles Mercury, the Sun and South Node; voids from 3:02 pm to 9:55 pm, shifts into Capricorn and sextiles Saturn in Pisces. Make sure you are moving any excess emotional energy in positive ways.


October 20, Mercury, Sun and South Node still functioning as a stellium; precise square of Mercury to Pluto; the Sun preparing for that square. Both Mercury and the Sun also moving towards a trine to Saturn in Pisces, which will lend some aid. See if you can figure out what needs to change in the Capricorn area of life and how you can use the positive Pisces energy to make it work. Venus in Virgo begins to pick up a trine to Jupiter in Taurus, nice to have the Goddess getting some good vibes to help with these other major difficult energies. Capricorn Moon sends good vibes to Mars, Venus and Jupiter; the answer is to be steady and disciplined.


October 21, precise square from Sun in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn, you best be high-vibing that Libra and saying NO and meaning it; Capricorn Moon busy again, trining Uranus, sextile Neptune; conjunct Pluto; and stepping into the square with the Sun. Blessings of the Venus/Jupiter and Mercury/Sun/Saturn. This is a lot of energy, don’t overschedule your life, take time to manage your nervous system and tap into your intuition.


October 22, Mercury into Scorpio, precise trine to Saturn in Pisces; Venus/Jupiter trine perfects. This will show you a way forward. Capricorn Moon squares Mercury; moves into Aquarius and squares Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus. Difficult emotions, try to practice wise detachment and don’t overreact.