Nuit Astrology

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Most Elegant Zodiac Signs

Which signs just seem to vibe “elegant?” This is my list; what do YOU think?


1.     Libra. The sign of relationship, balance and peace is also the top sign with exquisite taste and a refined manner. They are great social connectors, who vibe calm, elegance, grace and dignity. Beauty is their language and love is their religion.


2.     Leo. The magnetic Leo personality has a special way of moving through the world that attracts the rest of us. Bright, beautiful and shining, there is an elevated style and touch of sophistication that vibes chic. Leos make you look, admire and (sometimes) envy.


3.     Virgo. Classic, fashionable Virgo always has an aesthetic. Even when they are casually dressed, there is a theme, there is quality, there is taste. Virgos are style makers who appreciate the perfect accessory, the perfect color, the perfect look. And especially, being perfectly perfect.


4.     Capricorn. Dignified and classic, Capricorn vibes put together and capable. That “adult in the room” vibe can definitely read elegant and regal, though sometimes a touch cold.


5.     Taurus. Taurus knows classic and knows wealth and is absolutely comfortable with luxury and that old-money vibe. Grace, finesse and a certain candor and comfortability with indulgence grounds them in the physical world and reads “elegant.”


6.     Scorpio. The Scorpio personality knows exactly where the boundaries are, and they know how to make complexity simple. There is a certain cleverness and stately nature that can read as elegant and restrained.