October 2023 Planetary Energy Forecast

I am posting this early, because the astrology of this month is a LOT. You need to begin preparations now.

We begin this month with Venus moving forward in Leo being highly activated by a square to Uranus in Taurus; but also in a trine to the North Node in Aries; sextile both Mars and the South Node in Libra. Mercury is moving forward in Virgo, preparing to stand directly across from Neptune. Pluto is back at 27 degrees (the same degree as the United States natal chart).

It’s also ECLIPSE season; stay change adept.

 This is going to be a potentially difficult month.


October 1, Venus in Leo trine NN in Aries, sextile Mars and South Node in Libra; Moon in Taurus touches Jupiter. Mars and the South Node stay connected in a conjunction in Libra through October 8 which makes the Mars energy very extreme and depleting. Watch relationship dynamics carefully!


October 2, Mercury in Virgo stands directly across from Neptune in Pisces which can feel confusing or “foggy”; busy Taurus Moon conjuncts Uranus, squares Venus, sextiles Neptune and trines both Mercury and Pluto. Voids at 9:20 pm until 1:03 am EST on the 3rd.


October 3, Mercury in Virgo precise trine to Pluto in Capricorn; gather insights and ideas on how to reform things


October 4, Mercury into Libra bringing even more of a partnership and collaborative vibe; Gemini Moon trines Mars in Libra, these are nice aspects but the energy begins to get tense.


October 5, Mars in Libra begins to square Pluto in Capricorn; caution flags up in the 25-27 degree range. When the warrior and the phoenix get into it, violence can often be the outcome. Do everything with extreme caution. That caution flag is UP through October 14. Gemini Moon squares Neptune in Pisces; sextiles Venus; moves into Cancer and squares Mercury in Virgo; trines to Saturn in Pisces. Moon void 2:34 am to 8:32 am EST.


October 6, Venus in Leo is now out of shadow zone, time to take the information you gathered from over the Summer and use it; Cancer Moon squares Sun in Libra, watch hypersensitive emotions.


October 7, Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn starts to perfect; be very VERY careful; this can cause accidents, fights, power struggles, big relationship flashpoints. This is amplified because the Cancer Moon squares both Nodes, opposes Pluto and squares Mars. It is trine to Neptune and sextile Uranus; voids of course from 3:12 pm till 7:24 pm EST.


October 8, Venus into Virgo, where she becomes less of a drama/beauty queen and more precise, picky and exacting; today is the precise Mars/Pluto square. This can fire both early and late, so don’t let your guard down. Venus at the very last degree of Leo comes into an opposition with Saturn moving backwards in Pisces, this is exact on the 10th and in play through the 13th; watch for a push/pull between values and reality. Between women and authority figures. Leo Moon sextiles Mercury in Virgo for insight, squares Jupiter in Taurus which punishes excess.


October 9, Sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries highlighting what hurts. Still managing Venus/Saturn and Mars/Pluto, both of which are volatile energy. Be alert. Leo Moon sextiles the Sun in Libra; squares Uranus in Taurus, could have some very strong and unexpected emotional responses.


October 10, Pluto Stations Direct at 27 degrees of Capricorn; always watch the station of these slow moving planets, they function as a time stamp and symbolic events carry strong omens. Moon void 5:37 am to 8:02 am EST; precise Venus/Saturn opposition which could fire “late” due to the presence of Saturn, so stay alert the next few days; the answer is to find balance between the early Virgo and early Pisces areas of life. Leo Moon sextile Mars; moves into Virgo and opposes Saturn, touches Venus, more strong emotional responses. Don’t get egoic about it all. Sun in Libra precise opposition to Chiron in Aries, activities that are healing will have more strength and emphasis.


October 11, Virgo Moon trine Jupiter in Taurus, lovely Earth vibes; Mars at the last degree of Libra, always watch Mars at the final degrees, he gets pretty insistent on wrapping up his mission in that area of your life.


October 12, Mars into Scorpio, which is a new vibe of intrigue, intensity and digging into the messy truth of things. Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus which can bring downloads of information; opposes Neptune in Pisces; trines to Pluto in Capricorn, both aspects can bring big-picture insights; void from 4:10 pm to 8:22 pm EST.


October 13, Mars in Scorpio trine to Saturn in Pisces; use this positive and supportive water energy to come to understand something deeply. This is a truth serum series of days.


October 14, New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21° 7’ of Libra at 1:55 pm EST. Mercury, Moon and the Sun all in Libra and opposed to Chiron in Aries and then the North Node in Aries. South Node co-present with the New Moon. Eclipses are not big manifestation times; they are more “hang-on-and-be-ready-to-adjust” energies but see what is being formed or created in the Libra area of life.


October 15, Libra Moon square Pluto in Capricorn, avoid power struggles; void from 3:01 am to 7:04 am EST; moves into Scorpio and trines Saturn in Pisces, touches Mars, sextiles to Venus in Virgo. Very much locks in the energy of yesterday.


October 16, Scorpy Moon opposes Jupiter in Taurus, slow down . . . .


October 17, Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus; trines to Neptune in Pisces; sextiles Pluto in Capricorn; void from 11:44 am to 3:36 pm EST; moves into Sagittarius and squares to Saturn. Very intense emotions, don’t be overly reactive, be discerning.


October 18, Sun conjunct South Node in Libra which will tone down the creative energy and feel depleting, opposes North Node in Aries. Sagittarius Moon squares Venus, so watch your mouth. Mercury preparing to merge with the Sun and South Node, could be some communication issues or a feeling that you cannot be heard.


October 19, Precise cazimi Sun/Mercury, picking up a square to Pluto in Capricorn which makes things more erratic. At some point you will have a revelation, write it down. Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune in Pisces; sextiles Mercury, the Sun and South Node; voids from 3:02 pm to 9:55 pm, shifts into Capricorn and sextiles Saturn in Pisces. Make sure you are moving any excess emotional energy in positive ways.


October 20, Mercury, Sun and South Node still functioning as a stellium; precise square of Mercury to Pluto; the Sun preparing for that square. Both Mercury and the Sun also moving towards a trine to Saturn in Pisces, which will lend some aid. See if you can figure out what needs to change in the Capricorn area of life and how you can use the positive Pisces energy to make it work. Venus in Virgo begins to pick up a trine to Jupiter in Taurus, nice to have the Goddess getting some good vibes to help with these other major difficult energies. Capricorn Moon sends good vibes to Mars, Venus and Jupiter; the answer is to be steady and disciplined.


October 21, precise square from Sun in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn, you best be high-vibing that Libra and saying NO and meaning it; Capricorn Moon busy again, trining Uranus, sextile Neptune; conjunct Pluto; and stepping into the square with the Sun. Blessings of the Venus/Jupiter and Mercury/Sun/Saturn. This is a lot of energy, don’t overschedule your life, take time to manage your nervous system and tap into your intuition.


October 22, Mercury into Scorpio, precise trine to Saturn in Pisces; Venus/Jupiter trine perfects. This will show you a way forward. Capricorn Moon squares Mercury; moves into Aquarius and squares Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus. Difficult emotions, try to practice wise detachment and don’t overreact.


October 23, Sun into Scorpio, happy solar return to my beautiful Scorpy friends; this ushers in a new vibration that is less about surface and more about depth. Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, shocking group-think situations; voids at 3:04 pm until 4:33 am EST on the 24th.


October 24, Scorpio Sun trine Saturn in Pisces, slightly different vibe than the trine from the Libra Sun to Saturn, see if you can discern the different message of where you can find flow if you put in the effort; Pisces Moon touches Saturn and picks up the trine to the South Node, Sun, Mercury, Mars; sextiles Jupiter in Taurus. Intuition is a big help today, be sure to meditate or spend some quality time in or near water.


October 25, Pisces Moon opposes Venus in Virgo; sextiles Uranus in Taurus; touches Neptune; volatile emotions, don’t be too hard on yourself, be careful of substances or “checking out.”


October 26, Pisces Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 2:39 am to 6:02 am EST. Mercury within two degrees of conjuncting Mars in Scorpio which brings depth to the mind but also potential difficult truths being revealed. People could be really intense. Sun still trine Saturn which will lend some aid.


October 27, Mars and Mercury in Scorpio step into an opposition with Jupiter in Taurus, moderation and balance are key; really watch the range of 8 to 12 degrees in your chart in anything.


October 28, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5° 9’ Taurus at 4:24 pm EST. This is a rough one. The Aries Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 4:20 am until 7:44 am EST; Mars and Mercury precise opposition to Jupiter in Taurus just a few degrees away from the Full Moon. Caution flags UP. Helpful sextile to the Full Moon from Saturn in Pisces, and Venus in Virgo moving into a trine with Uranus moving backward in Taurus.


October 29, still a very strong conjunction of Mars and Mercury in Scorpio standing across from Jupiter in Taurus; 11 degrees in particular of those two signs is highly activated. Taurus Moon amping the Jupiter and the opposition; then moving into a trine with Venus and touches Uranus in Taurus, try to stay grounded.


October 30, Taurus Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces; trine Pluto in Capricorn, both positive energies that honor slow and steady; void from 7:36 am to 11:08 am EST; moves into Gemini and squares Saturn, don’t overthink.


October 31, precise trine from Venus to Uranus, karmic events and magical synchronicities for All Hallows Eve; Mars/Mercury still walking together in Scorpio and opposing Jupiter, keep your rituals grounded in tradition and know that magic is truly in the air.


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


PEF September 11, 2023


Most Elegant Zodiac Signs