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Love & Dating Forecast for the Zodiacal Signs 2024

 Here is a general forecast related to love, dating, mating and relating for 2024 for each of the 12 zodiacal signs. Remember it is key to know your RISING Sign (also known as your Ascendant) in order to get the proper read on areas of life. Do also read for your Sun Sign, this layer of information can be helpful, too.

Wishing you lovelovelove for the coming year!

Aries and Aries Rising

The South Node spends this year moving through your 7th house of committed relationships in the sign of Libra, highlighting where you have healthy partnerships and where you do not. Make sure to high vibe this energy by not engaging in the shadow Libra energy of self-sacrifice or avoiding problems that surface in your relationships. Have healthy conversations and maintain a positive amount of independence within relationships. If you meet someone new, there could be feeling of recognition from a past life, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are ”the” one. Be very careful with the transit of both Saturn and Neptune in your 12th house of self-defeating habits and subconscious mind. It would be easy to fall into bad behaviors that could cause problems for you or even cause you to push away a good thing because you don’t feel worthy. You have a huge year coming up in 2025, so stay steady through 2024. Your favorite star, Mars, stays direct until December, so you will be very busy; don’t take on too much and burn yourself out.


Taurus and Taurus Rising

Jupiter wraps up its transit in your sign in May, so hopefully you have taken advantage of all of those blessings and abundance gifts. If someone new came into your life last year, you’ll have a better idea if they are in it for the long haul after May. Uranus remains in your sign throughout this year, bringing magical synchronicities but also big changes to your personality and outlook on life; who or what you want might change a lot through this year, so stay attuned to what you really want. You might surprise yourself with what you now decide is important to you. Your star, Venus, is moving Direct all year, so this year will be full on! She will be in your relationship house in the Fall, so pay attention to anyone who arrives in September. You also have Saturn in your 11th house of dreams and wishes, so getting real about what you want out of life will influence your relationship goals.


Gemini and Gemini Rising

A huge year for you awaits, as all of the heavy-hitter planets are moving across the top of your sky, bringing big changes to your sexual desires, your travel plans, career and groups of people. The South Node moving through your house of pleasure will show you where you are being too casual or maybe sacrificing what you enjoy doing for someone else; set those boundaries. We experience four Mercury retrograde cycles this year, so you may have this constant feeling of “stop-start” happening. Venus is in your relationship sector as we begin the year, so be sure to celebrate and be social in January. Jupiter moves into Gemini in May, so look for the rocket booster of increased optimism and charm incoming. Pluto will also finish up the transit through the 8th house, your sexual healing phase will *finally* be coming to a completion.


Cancer and Cancer Rising

Since 2008 you have been on a deep dive cathartic relationship transformation; not all of it pleasant, I am sure. Until November you will find yourself completing those lessons, either through romantic partnerships and spouses, or through your business relationships. Don’t let the things that have been going on at work distract you from being a good partner or valuing your romantic interests. Time is a resource, make time for your people. With Saturn in the 9th house of travel you might want to expand your mind and world to find a serious romantic partner; book the trip, take the course, don’t let your orbit be too small or confined. South Node in the 4th house of home might require you to put in a little extra time and energy with loved ones, just be sure not to engage in self-sacrificing behaviors.


Leo and Leo Rising

That Venus Rx in your sign last year was a vibe; and it changed everything. Not to mention two years of Saturn in your relationship house. Now you are wrapping up some self-care lessons and new job changes that are directing you to prepare for a long-haul transformation of your partnerships and romantic relationships that will begin to crystallize in November. Remember to see the partner or lover as a mirror; because the view you have had of yourself is going to change forever starting in November. Venus will be moving through your work, romantic and sex houses as you start the year, keep your eyes open and standards high if you are looking for a new inspirational relationship. With Saturn newly in your 8th house watch out for casual hook-ups; they might not get to be as light and fun as you might prefer; sexual experiences will have more consequences, but can also open doors to spiritual experiences.


Virgo and Virgo Rising

Commitment is on your mind as Saturn moves through your 7th house of relationships and partnerships. Make sure you are seeing your partners clearly, because Pisces can be a slippery energy of delusion and glamour. Instead of the usual three Mercury retrogrades, this leap year offers you four opportunities to review, rethink and reexamine various areas of your life; including your first house of personality. South Node in Libra in the 2nd house of values will find you needing to work on your self-esteem and self-worth issues in order to attract a healthy relationship. North Node in Aries paired with Chiron in Aries could connect you to tantric sexual healing experiences. Vibe high!


Libra and Libra Rising

The South Node in your sign is showing you all of the ways where being a peaceful lover of beauty and harmony can cause you to give up your autonomy and leave you vulnerable. Find the perfect balance between yourself and your lover, yourself and your business partner; the razor’s edge of “independent” and “together.” Venus is direct all year, touching your entire chart at least once and bringing beauty wherever she goes. Chiron in Aries connecting with the North Node in Aries in your relationship sector will bring abundant opportunities for healing; understand where it hurts and dismantle those ancient patterns of unworthiness or sacrificial partnerships. Uranus moving through the 8th could bring sudden sexual breakthroughs and sensual experiences.


Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Last year was a lot for you; and we still have Uranus and Jupiter in your 7th house as we begin the year. If you want to reinvent your relationship or create a new and more freedom oriented situation, the astrology will support you. Saturn newly in your 5th house of fun and pleasure will make enjoying yourself a bit harder, as nothing will feel quite as light or casual. With the North Node in Aries with Chiron in your 6th and the South Node in Libra in your 12th house, you will have to deeply dig into your subconscious triggers that desire partnership at one level, but independence in the other. This is a year where the advice for you is “do what you love in order to find someone you love.”


Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

You may be feeling a bit more deep and introspective this year, as most of the heavy-hitting slow transit planets are below the horizon for you, reinventing you from the inside out. Jupiter will finish up his movement through Taurus in May, and then move into Gemini which will bring more opportunities to you to meet people for more serious love relationships or for a business partnership. Saturn in the 4th brings up the issue of what makes you feel safe and secure and will force you to get serious if you are living in the wrong apartment, home, town, state or even country. Flickers of genius were spiking up for you last year, and will continue through this year; your mind begins to go through a deep catharsis starting in November and continuing for the next 20 years. Hone those communication skills and get your meditation practice tuned up!


Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

You caught a glimpse of the new renovated you last March to June … but you are preparing to graduate from Pluto University, and rise like the phoenix that you have become! That permanent change doesn’t happen until November of 2024, but you are going to be feeling it as you complete the major lessons of the past 15 years. Saturn, your ruling planet, moving through your third house of communication can bring some heaviness to the mind – even more than usual! So watch what you focus your mind upon; if you want love, you can manifest it! Jupiter and Uranus moving through your 5th house of fun and pleasure can bring some glimpses of what (or who) will bring joy into your life. If you have any “Mommy” issues, you need to deal with them asap; your deepest inner self is ripe for healing and you want to manage those difficult patterns in order to be your best self in any relationship.


Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

The deep inner struggles and catharsis you have been embroiled in since 2008 finally begins to come to completion (thanks, Pluto); and now, you are ready for Pluto move into your sign. It’s been dancing back and forth at the very end of Capricorn and the very beginning of Aquarius, and in November moves into Aquarius and will stay there for the next 20 years. This is more of an outer change and purification of your personality so that you can fully step into your Aquarian nature. It is very possible you will need a new relationship for this part of your journey. Saturn in Pisces moving through your second house asks you to get serious about your value and your worth; time to raise those standards and self-esteem. Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus in your 4th brings deep inner changes; look to see who arrives in your orbit as far as lovers and partners, they will reflect back to you those changes and you will like what you see. Watch for more opportunities for fun and casual relationships after May, and hone those communication skills. You often feel misunderstood, and it’s time to find ways to express your feelings to be seen and to be heard.


Pisces and Pisces Rising

Saturn in your sign always brings a bit of seriousness and weight; watch that you are not overly critical of your looks or body; and try to see the positive in things. If you want to put in effort to change yourself, the sticking energy of Saturn will help as long as you don’t let it weigh you down. Neptune also in the first can bring a sense of confusion or even a feeling of not having any edges or individuation. Explore and enjoy the last bit of that energy, you are about to go through an enormous transformation of values and self-worth in 2025. Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus in your 3rd house could bring an interesting new neighbor or someone you meet locally; get out and about in your hometown, or tell your friends if you want to meet someone. Mr. or Ms. Right could move in next door. Pluto finishing up in your 11th house of wishes and friendships could also bring you the ability to manifest your ideal relationship; set your standards high but remember that Virgo 7th house can make it so that if you don’t think you can find something (or someone) perfect, you just can’t be bothered to try to make it work.