Most Emotional Zodiac Signs

Ranking from the Most to the Least Emotional Zodiac Signs — please comment with your thoughts below!

1.     Cancer.            They do not often let you know, but Cancer Sun/Moon/Rising or anyone with a lot of Cancer placements are off the charts emotional. Ruled by the Moon, this is a sign that feels everything to the maximum and trust can be a real issue. They often hide their emotions and emotional responses, leaving you clueless to the true impact of your words and actions. Treat these dear humans with the most tender care.


2.     Aries.               Emotions are not always about sensitivity. Sometimes they are about passion, action and anger. Aries Sun/Moon/Rising placements are assertive, emotional and react immediately. Volcanic emotions can rule this sign, and there is often no space between emotion and reaction. They usually recover and shift gears just as quickly. Handle with care and realize they have some growing up to do.


3.     Pisces.             Often thought to be a soft, tender sign, Pisces are tough. They have to be, as a sign that is in a realm where it often feels it does not belong. Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising has their emotions are present and available to them at all times. It is up to them to discern and learn when to tap in and use them as tools of understanding and when to step away from their immersion and ground into the reality of planet Earth.


4.     Leo.                 Dramatic fire sign Leo is emotional but also intuitive. They pick up on things that others do not and their senses include the sixth sense of deep inner understanding. Part of this superpower of the Leo Sun/Moon/Rising is their emotional reaction to things; they feel things in a primal way that others do not. One of their latent abilities is to use emotions as superpowers to help them in their leadership roles.


5.     Sagittarius.      Passion is a feature of this sign of the Centaur, and emotions tap deeply into their psyche and soul. It helps the Sagg Sun/Moon/Rising personality drive towards their goals and desires. And yet, they can spark up a situation; set it aflame; and then stroll away from the pyre. Total Sagittarius vibe.


6.     Scorpio.           For a water sign, Scorpio can appear to be exceptionally dispassionate. But remember, that’s only on the outside. On the inside, Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising personalities pulse with passion, emotion and desire. They have perspective that you don’t have; they play a really long game.


7.     Gemini.           Super mind-oriented, Gemini tends to swing between the two extreme polarities of their personality which can read as emotional from the outside, but are actually intellectually driven. Whatever emotions the Gemini Sun/Moon/Rising signs are surfing come from the realm of thought. Because of their dual nature, they can swing between the highest of highs and the lowest of lows of emotions and thoughts, and how they express them.


8.     Virgo.              The Virgo personality keeps things in check; they have a certain distaste for the messiness of emotionality. And yet, they have a strong drive towards perfection, the need to help others and a drive to accomplish. Virgo Sun/Moon/Rising signs wish they didn’t want to control everything so strictly. And yet, their nature as an Earth sign rises up and they get very passionate if things are done in a way that doesn’t meet their standards.


9.     Libra.               Libra might have a faint smile on their face through the pain or the pleasure, but they feel the energy of situations and respond in ways that bring things back into balance. If you want to see a Sun/Moon/Rising Libra emotionally react, show them some injustice or foul play. Librans love the peace enough to fight for it and don’t you forget that. Otherwise, they will do their best to smooth ruffled feathers and find a common ground.


10.  Taurus.            Physical Taurus is driven by the emotions of passion, desire and craving. Less reactive than some of the other signs, they tend to be steady. And yet a Sun/Moon/Rising Taurus will have deep feelings and a preference for comfort, fulfillment and pleasure. The drive to fulfill those desires can create passionate emotional reactions.


11.  Capricorn.       Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is perennially serious. Sometimes cold, often calculating, yet Capricorn has access to emotional intelligence as a tool (remember the ancient symbol of the Water Goat). Don’t think that emotions do not affect the Capricorn Sun/Moon/Rising personality; just realize they can step back to evaluate situations in a way that other signs cannot and they can access emotions as fuel to amplify their goals.


12.  Aquarius.         The poster child of detachment, we have Aquarius last on our list, but do not think for one minute that this sign is emotionally stunted or unavailable. They simply have the ability to detach, step back and analyze the information proffered by their emotional reaction. Then they stop and make a decision about what to do next. Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising people find it is a useful way of handling things and something that we all will learn more about as Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2024.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

Online Workshop: Level Up Your Tarot


PEF Week of March 4, 2024