PEF Week of January 29, 2024  

January 29      Uranus at 19 Taurus trines the midpoint between 18 degree Mars and 20 degrees Mercury both in Capricorn, magical synchronicities are possible here from the Taurus and Capricorn areas of life. Square to the Nodes still present, so be cautious. Beautiful Venus, Jupiter, Saturn energy still flowing. Moon voids 6:20 pm until 3:04 am on the 30th EST.


January 30      Exact Mars in Cap trine to Uranus in Taurus; potential exists, but you must work to achieve it.


January 31      Chiron in Aries and the North Node walking together; opposing the SN in Libra; super karmic relationship situations, opportunities to heal.


February 1       Mercury in Capricorn sextile to Neptune in Pisces, inspiration grounded in reality. Moon void from 4:03 am until 3:37 pm EST.


February 2       Embrace that positive Mercury/Neptune and Saturn/Jupiter sextiles; you must say yes to take advantage of these luck aspects!


February 3       Moon void 10:24 pm until 1:28 am on the 4th EST.


February 4       Chiron and the Nodes square to Venus in Capricorn; ouch. Karmic events in relationships. See the truth. Big relationship issues, challenges in the Aries/Libra/Capricorn areas of life.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

February 2024 Planetary Energy Forecast 


Essential Astrology Vocabulary for Beginners