12/4/21 - New Moon Sagittarius

Welcome to your Full Solar Eclipse New Moon at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. I’m Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology.

This eclipse occurs on Saturday, December 4 at 2:43 am on the East Coast; this energy is in play from NOW through early next week. If it hits a sensitive spot in your chart, it could be flowing out as long as two weeks.

This the final eclipse of 2021, and one of the last triggers of the Sagittarius/Gemini part of our individual charts. This is also the last eclipse for a long while with the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius.

What does that mean? Look for lessons wrapping up in that area of your life (know your chart!). 

Major themes might be related to travel, learning, philosophy; lots of involvement with neighbors/siblings, your mind and how you think. Eclipses are not the best vibe for manifestation, but I would instead look to it as an opening. 

Plan on this weekend feeling like a portal to a new world, observe what is falling away and see if you can facilitate what fabulous newness will fill that place. Journal and pay attention to the signs and symbols. You are being guided! Know this!


Sagittarius New Moon Practices 

Begin a new course of study OR renew your commitment to something that you have let slide. Write out your travel bucket list. Try a new restaurant or recipe from another culture. Edit your social media feed so it only shows you things you really care about. Have sex outside. Live your life on your own terms. Go on a nice long hike somewhere new. Pet a horse. Reconnect with a friend who lives far away. Freshen up your altar with green and growing things. Read that philosophy book that’s been gathering dust. Re-examine your beliefs and be ready to let go of outworn philosophies or ways of thinking.


Journaling Questions -- New Moon in Sagittarius:

1.     Where has my mind become too narrow? How can I think the new thought?

2.     What am I reading, studying, watching that is inspiring me?

3.     Am I living my life in alignment with my spiritual and philosophical beliefs?

4.     How do I connect to God/Goddess/Divinity on a daily basis?

5.     What rituals do I want to observe this holiday season that will fill my cup?

6.     Where has my world become too small or insular?

7.     Am I having the real, deep conversations that I want to have with the people who are close to me?

8.     Am I having fun yet?


Also – kinda exciting – I’ve been recently quoted in two articles in Bustle (an online magazine) on astrological compatibility. Check it out, here are the links:



Sending you all the brightest of light as we move through this coming Venus retrograde season. She will be dancing with Pluto; not easy energy. Be sure to watch my Planetary Energy Forecasts.

And look for A Year Ahead Planetary Energy Forecast for 2022 from me soon. Knowledge is POWER. Empower yourself to make the changes and adaptations necessary to thrive.

Love to you all! 

Shanti — Jill


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


Affirmations for Self-Love


The Planets