The Planets

According to astrology, each of the planets emits its own unique vibration and has an impact on souls here on Earth. The Sun and the Moon seem more obvious; visible to our naked eye, we notice their impact daily. Or at least we do if we are paying attention. But the other heavenly bodies in our specific Universe also influence us.

Astrology teaches us this fundamental truth; As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without. Ponder that truth as you read on to understand the planetary forces:

Moon: Fluctuation, Emotionality, Response

Your Moon sign tells you how you emotionally respond to your world; children tend to strongly reflect their moon signs because they are more in their emotional body. The Moon has to do with women, mothering and nurturing. It tells us a lot about our feelings, intuition, and what makes us feel safe and secure in the world.

Mercury: Communications, Mentality, Transport

Your Mercury explains how you think and how you communicate, both with others and with yourself. It indicates how you are perceived or heard by others when you talk or write. It has everything to do with self-expression via the written or spoken word. It also has to do with how your mind works.

Venus: Harmony, Love, Beauty

Venus by sign tells you what you find beautiful, attractive, interesting. What you find to be valuable. It also explains how you want to give and receive love. This is vital to know about yourself, and also the people that you love. Everyone needs to be loved the way that truly speaks their personal love language!

Sun: Power, Vitality, Self-Expression

Your Sun is how you express yourself in the world; how you bring forth your light and shine. Usually it is the most fundamental expression of self, but there can be other mitigating factors in the chart which can change or dampen the energy of your Sun.

Mars: Energy, Heat, Activation

Your Mars is how you express action or activity and bring forth your personal power into the world; how you fight and how you love can also be wrapped up in this energy. This is the energy of your will and how you express it in the world.

Jupiter: Expansion, Optimism, Preservation

Jupiter is how you want to grow and expand into the world; what you want to magnify and increase and also where you will tend to have luck. Jupiter is the great teacher, professor and prophet.

Saturn: Limitation, Constriction, Foundation

Saturn by sign tells you how you experience restriction; where you must create a firm foundation and where you receive your more difficult learning experiences. Saturn is sometimes called the Black Angel of learning. Saturn is your strict teacher, hard lessons, and the structure of life.

The following outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) all have a generational effect because they move so slowly through the chart; usually everyone around you age has this planet in the same sign.

Uranus: Unexpected, Sudden, Disruptive Change

Uranus by sign indicates how you will seek freedom and bring change into your world. It’s work in your world can feel like synchronicity or it can feel chaotic and random. Its energy in any sign is electrical in nature, and is considered the higher octave of Mercury.

Neptune: Nebulousness, Impressionability, Inspiration

Neptunian energy shows how you connect spiritually as well as anything that cannot be fully seen or understood plainly with the mind. Neptune can be confusion, illusion or addiction; it can be inspired, transcendent, and cosmic – it all depends on whether it is a high or low expression of the energy.

Pluto: Renewal, Regeneration, Elimination

Pluto indicates how you will experience radical transformation. This planet moves very slowing through your chart and will influence only a small sector of your chart in a lifetime; remember though she may be small, she is fierce. Themes of death, the underworld and a “phoenix” type of energy.

Often in astrology readings we utilize other bodies or points in space. For example, I always include the North Node and South Node of the Moon in my readings, as well as a few important asteroids (Chiron; Black Moon Lillith; Hygeia; Ceres; and a few others!).

More on those another day – I hope you enjoyed this post. Check back soon for more!



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

12/4/21 - New Moon Sagittarius


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