Compatibility: Leo and Cancer

There are many layers to compatibility, with communication being key. When Leo and Cancer are in their highest expression, this is a pair with great potential. The magnetic Leo can intuit the deep depths of our Cancerian, and the Cancer can offer the Lion-hearted Leo the emotional range that helps them to feel seen and admired.

The Leo can inspire the Cancer with their creativity, drive and head-on approach to what they want. The Cancer can bring in the nuance that sometimes the Leo doesn’t offer, and this can nurture that Leo creativity to great heights.

When exhibiting the lower-vibe traits of their signs, there can be problems. Both tend to the dramatic and can push each other into conflict or over-reactions. Cancer’s tenderness is not always on display, and the brash Leo could say or do something in the moment that the Cancer won’t ever forget. When provoked, our Cancerian can come out with claws a clapping, easily frightening our Leo. Both are more tender than they often portray, so revealing their feelings to each other and keeping communication clear and true is important.

Both need plenty of restorative time, so finding ways to relax together and restore themselves individually will bring greater harmony to their relationship and help each of them to express the highest forms of their essential nature.

The strengths and challenges of this alliance will require that each of them to play to those higher expressions of each sign. Together they can be very creative; the fire and water coming together to create the steam that could empower them both. Or, alternatively, the watery nature of the Cancer can extinguish the flame of our Leo. Any dysfunctional nurturing patterns, either of them seeking the energy of a parent in the other person, will bring up childhood shadows. They can hold each other back if they do not have the awareness to realize they are activating a child-parent dynamic versus the relationship of two emotionally mature adults.

In order to build a positive and fruitful relationship they both must understand that communication is key. It must be clear, kind and respectful. Loads of attention, but on their own terms. Playfulness and fun. Time that they are alone, but yet together. The Leo must understand the indirect approach of the Cancer, and the Cancer must admire and respect the bravado of the Leo. It’s a front of the house/back of the house type of partnership out in the world, but in their private orbit both must feel empowered, admired; both seen and heard.

The potentials for Leo and Cancer personalities to find a deep friendship, love relationship, potential marriage and sexual intimacy is very real. The Cancer can really help the Leo to tap into their sensitivity and intuition; learning to trust each other with their tenderness. The Leo can charm the Cancer native out of their essential distrust of the World and lure them into fun, pleasure and joy. Trust is one of the most important features of a healthy bond between these two as lovers, as well as patience. The Leo can become confused by the dual nature of the Cancer, as often there seems to be two sides to them. Rightly approached, the crab could help to remove the proverbial thorn from the lion’s paw, and create a dedicated and deep union.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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