Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Hold a Grudge

Sure, we often forgive. But do we forget? Join astrologer Jill Loftis to see what top six signs are most likely to hold a grudge.

1.  Taurus. Taureans are well known for their stubbornness, but they are the undisputed masters of maintaining a grudge. It takes a very long time to make a Taurus personality angry, but once they are, it’s over. Think of the symbol of a bull; it takes much prodding to get it to move, but once it’s going, it has a lot of momentum. Forgive, they will; but forget? Never.

2.  Scorpio. Never forget the stinger of the Scorpion. If wronged, they will more than hold the grudge; they will seek revenge and spend a long time figuring out the best move. Like an expert chess player, they will strategize a way to teach you not to cross them ever again.

3.  Virgo. The Virgo is pretty sure they are right, and when you don’t listen to them or do things according to their standards and expectations, be ready for them to hang onto that knowledge and judge you for it. A shadow of the Virgo personality is martyrdom, and this can factor into the pattern of holding a grudge.

4.  Cancer. The hyper-sensitive Cancer personality will remember when you’ve gotten under their skin (in their shell?) and caused irritation, hurt or upset. They’ll keep it on file in their memory because they don’t want to get hurt again.

5.  Pisces. Another sensitive water sign, Pisces often live in a world of their own making. This can cause them to view certain actions as harmful, painful or difficult when the other person involved has no idea, rejecting the other person’s view of reality and substituting their own. They will hang onto this narrative, and can wear their suffering as a badge of honor.

6.  Capricorn. This shadow of this personality can be a coldly calculating career climber and they will remember whether you helped or harmed them along their path. This grudge is more of a strategy than an emotional situation.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


PEF Week of November 13, 2023


Compatibility: Leo and Cancer