How Is 2022 Astrology Different from 2021?

The year 2022 indicates big changes through outer planets entering new astrological territory; some once-in-a-lifetime events that unfold in this turning point of a year.

It makes me think of the recent tornados in Kentucky; that horrible and terrifying devastation. The tornado is finished; but now the real work begins. The year 2021 had this important aspect between Saturn and Uranus; between the past and the future; this year, we begin to see how we begin to gather the rubble and begin anew. But yet, Pluto isn’t finished with us yet. It’s a year to hold on very loosely, and to stay nimble and change adept.

I think the word to use for this year is “transition.” We are caught between eras, between cycles. The best tip is to stay flexible, and to look for where you need to hold on to what has been done before that actually works; but let go of what is old and outdated so that you are ready for the new and the next.

We ended 2021 with Pluto dancing with Venus, and we are still there in January of 2022. Pluto is the sign of death and regeneration. Everyone knows the year 2008, and that was when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Capricorn represents structures and authority figures; with Venus and then later this year with Mars, there is a lot of energy focused on transforming systems. Most astrologers are also focused on this placement because the United States has it’s Pluto Return in February; Pluto returns to the place it was 248 years ago when the country was founded. We are a young country; this is the first time it has happened, ever.

It tends to be a time when deep hidden things emerge to be healed and corrected. February should be the “writing on the wall” as to what that looks like in a broader sense. It happens again two more times in 2022, and Mars and Venus can act as triggers to the slow-moving Pluto. Makes one think of the line in Hamilton “oceans rise, empires fall.”

Neptune is still in Pisces, moving quite slowly. This transit started way back in 2012. This has been part of the rise of media and social media, as well as spiritual and religious fervor. Neptune is illusion and glamour; it is inspiration; it’s also drugs, confusion, and deception. Jupiter will be moving into Pisces the last week of December 2021 and touching Neptune in April of 2022. This is something to pay attention to, they haven’t met together in that sign since 1856. Cautions about flooding, tsunamis are big for this year. As well as heightened emotions. Another caution on the United States, the year 1856 triggered several events that led to the Civil War. Google “Bloody Kansas” to get an idea of what could happen this Spring.

Uranus is still in Taurus, creating big changes to Taurus ruled things like beauty, values, love and money. Taurus is what we hold dear; it rules food, currencies, and the Earth herself. Uranus brings sudden changes and synchronicities. Shock and awe in the realm of money, food and the planet. This has been the story since late 2019 and will be more focused this year due to the Nodes of the Moon changing signs and the North Node moving into Taurus. Last year the planet of restriction and tradition (Saturn) was in a hard aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This year it eases, and then gets close again the latter part of the year. Look to the middle of the year for somewhat fated types of changes to money, banking, food production and where those things are not sustainable. 

Jupiter will move into Aries this May; I’m looking to that to help us create some actionable energy and find a way forward. But yet, the independent Aries energy could just bring more fire and heat to the equation; more of a drive towards independence and a desire not to work for the collective.

Meanwhile, Saturn stays in Aquarius, and mostly stays quiet. It squares the Nodes of the Moon, urging us towards our future. And dabbles with squaring Uranus again, but mostly to test us and make sure we’re moving onto the new pathway.

I’m looking at this year as a play in four Acts. 


Act 1 – January 1, 2022, to March 19, 2022.

This is where observe and comprehend the Capricorn capers, including the themes that came up with the Venus/Pluto conjunction in December 2021. Watch the Mercury retrograde period from January 14 through February 4, which also triggers this Capricorn zone. The Full Moon at 27 degrees of Cancer on January 17 illuminates anything we need to manage in order to finalize our Capricorn lessons. Observe the Uranus station on January 18; the Nodes moving into Taurus and Scorpio on January 19; Mars moving into Capricorn on the 24th and Mercury on the 25th. Observe also Venus direct on January 29. The new Moon February 1 at 12 degrees of Aquarius shows us where we have laid in the groundwork for our future. And the rest of February you are watching the United States Pluto Return. As the Sun ventures into Pisces on February 18 you begin to glimpse of the waters you will be swimming in during Act 2. Early March, it’s Pluto time again, this time amplified by Venus and Mars.


Act 2 – March 20, 2022, to May 23, 2022.

March 20, 2022, is the Spring Equinox, the astrological New Year, as the Sun enters Aries. It is a very busy astrology week that launches Act 2. Observe the New Moon on April 1 at 11 degrees of Aries -- this is where Saturn is in conflict with the Nodes. Take this surge forward and make some decisions, you’ll have good traction before the retrogrades begin at the end of April. Observe the Jupiter/Neptune meeting April 9 to 13. Watch also the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 30 at 10 degrees of Taurus with Venus amplifying Jupiter. We will be living big life here and through the rest of eclipse season, remember that the eclipses of May are in the signs of the Lunar Nodes (Taurus and Scorpio). Venus goes into Aries May 2; Jupiter finishes the quick plunge through Pisces and emerges into Aries on May 11. There is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio on May 16. The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20. Whew.


Act 3 – May 24, 2022, to September 24, 2022.

I chose this date of May 24 to launch Act 3 for the year, because Mars moves into Aries, along side the Moon, and plows forward to meet Jupiter May 29. As we move through June the outer planets of Saturn and Neptune begin to retrograde, which slows down events and brings time to rethink, reconsider and redo. The Nodes dance with Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn begins to ask for integrity from the changes Uranus is bringing. The focus shifts from reacting to the changes brought by the early part of the year and into hard realities of what comes next.


Act 4 – September 25, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

September 25 is a New Moon at 1 degree 59 minutes of Scorpio; a Moon that opposes Neptune, touches Venus, trines Pluto, touches Mercury, touches the Sun and opposes Jupiter. This is our launch into the final Act of the year. All of September the five outer planets will retrograde, and in October we get some stirrings of direct motion; Pluto on October 8 and Saturn on October 23. Our last eclipses of the year demonstrate final lessons related to the Lunar Nodes and also Uranus, watch the New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 25 at two degrees of Scorpio and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter slides back for a short while into Pisces and Mars retrogrades in Gemini on October 30. Observe the astrological tug of war between Taurus and Scorpio placements November 4 through 11; and a beautiful harmonizing aspect starting November 12. December is a month of sharp turns, yet deep blessings.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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