Astrology Basics – Know Thyself!

Where to begin with astrology? It is the “language of the soul” as my spiritual grandfather Shelly Trimmer would say. And, indeed, when learning a new language, you have to be very patient and start with the basics.

We begin with three concepts:

  • Planets = The type of energy being expressed.

  • Signs = The filter through which the energy is expressed.

  • Houses = Where in your life that the energy is expressed.

You can obtain a free astrology chart from, or You will need your birth date, place and an accurate time.

If your birth time is not accurate, your chart will be less accurate, but will still be helpful.

Your Sun Sign is where the Sun was in the sky on the day of your birth and is the sign you probably grew up knowing; it is your essence, how you shine, a fundamental piece of your nature.

Your Moon Sign tells you how you emotionally greet the world; it tells you about your feelings and your relationship with maternal energy. It can flow beautifully with your Sun and other parts of your chart, or it can be in complete conflict. It is really helpful to know your Moon and your personal emotional patterns.

Your Rising Sign or Ascendant is the sign on the First House of your chart and was the sign on the horizon at the time of your birth. This is more about where you are headed in life and often later in life you grow into this sign; it has a lot to do with your outlook and it is important if you are reading any type of general forecast because it is predictive of where astrological events will occur.

We will talk more about the other planets as we continue, but let’s focus on the fundamentals here – planets, signs, houses.

PLANETS: Force; Energy

The Western system of Astrology deals with 10 planetary energies; and yes, Pluto is still considered a planet. Some astrologers also work with the Moon’s nodes, Chiron, and assorted asteroids; most astrologers focus on these planets:

  • Sun

  • Moon

  • Mercury

  • Venus

  • Mars

  • Jupiter

  • Saturn

  • Uranus

  • Neptune

  • Pluto


The twelve signs of the zodiac are the filter through which the energy of the planets OR the houses is expressed. This energy is influenced by many factors, including the placement of the planet and the interaction of the planet with other planets. The fundamental energies are:

  • Aries: I am

  • Taurus: I have

  • Gemini: I think

  • Cancer: I feel

  • Leo: I will

  • Virgo: I analyze

  • Libra: I balance

  • Scorpio: I desire

  • Sagittarius: I aspire

  • Capricorn: I use

  • Aquarius: I know

  • Pisces: I believe

HOUSES: Where – The 12 Areas of Life

The astrological wheel is a circle, divided evenly into 12 areas of life. Each house encompasses 30 degrees of the zodiac; so imagine reclining on your back, looking up at the dome of the sky and it being divided into those 12 parts. Where the planets are located indicates more active areas of your life; the areas where you are mastering your skills and learning your lessons as a human being. If you have no planets in a particular house it does not mean that you have no lessons there; it just is not as emphasized. The planets continue to move after your birth, and we call the interaction of those still-moving planets and your natal chart “transits.” Transiting planets can activate areas of your life that were not emphasized at the time of your birth.

  • First: Personality; Body; Outlook

  • Second: Money; Resources; Memory

  • Third: Siblings; Short Journeys; Communication

  • Fourth: Mother; Emotional Home; End of Things

  • Fifth: Love; Creativity; Children

  • Sixth: Service; Sickness; Servants

  • Seventh: Partnerships; Open Enemies; Marriage

  • Eighth: Death; Inheritances; Mystical/Astral

  • Ninth: Long Journeys; Higher Education; Spirituality

  • Tenth: Profession/Dharma; Father; Authority Figures

  • Eleventh: Friends; Aspirations; Groups

  • Twelfth: Self-Help; Self-Undoing; Hidden Things/Places; Secrets

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more content!



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

The Signs in Detail; High Vibe/Low Vibe.