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Jill Loftis Jill Loftis

Love Languages of the Zodiac

What are the Love Languages of each sign of the Zodiac? Join Jill Loftis for some general ideas about how to speak the love language of each sign.

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Jill Loftis Jill Loftis

Shakti Wants Shiva

Shakti Wants Shiva. Often single women feel that it isn’t okay to admit that they would like to be in a healthy loving relationship. Join Jill to discuss why Shakti and Shiva both want and need each other.

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Jill Loftis Jill Loftis

PEF Week of 3/21/22

Planetary Energy Forecast for the Week of March 21, 2022. Big astro this week my friends, particularly the Mars Uranus Square. Read on for more details, and be sure to visit my YouTube Channel for more information. White light shields UP!

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