The Room Where it Happens – the Houses in Detail

Most folks know about the planets and the signs; but the idea of the astrological houses is new to them.

Go back to that original idea of lying back on a blanket looking up at the sky; that perspective gives us the astrological “wheel” of 360 degrees; those degrees are divided into 12 sections of 30 degrees each. THAT is what we talk about when we refer to the Houses of astrology.

Check it out – the 12 mansions of your soul, as Goswami Kriyananda would say:

First: Personality; Body; Outlook

The sign on the first house cusp is also called your Rising Sign or Ascendant. It is the zodiacal sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. It influences your body type, your personality and particularly how others perceive you. Planets in this house also strongly impact your body type and personality. Examples: Often Mars in the first house indicates red hair or a more fire-oriented personality. Jupiter in this house tends to bring a larger frame and Saturn tends to make a person on the thin side or be perceived as a more “cold” personality. Moving to a new time zone changes the sign on this house cusp – which is why sometimes you feel like a different person when you travel to different parts of the world!

Second: Money; Resources; Memory

The sign on the second house cusp tells you about what is important to you. It tells you about your past-life memories (the only thing of value you brought in that you will be taking with you when you depart). This is the house of your money and your value system; your resources, and how you manage them.

Third: Siblings; Short Journeys; Communication/Mind

The sign on this house cusp tells you how your mind functions and how you speak and write. Siblings are ruled by this house because they are often the first people you learn to communicate with. Neighbors and neighborhood also fall into this house. Short journeys these days represents a journey where you would return to your own bed that night.

Fourth: Mother; Emotional Home; End of Things

The Fourth House is at the bottom of the wheel and often signifies endings; which are truly just beginnings. The sign tells you about your mother or “inner link” parent when you were growing up. It informs you about your emotional home and what and who make you feel safe and secure.

Fifth: Love; Creativity; Children

The sign on this house cusp indicates how you like to enjoy life. How you play, how you love (love as sexual expression) and what you create. Your first child is covered by this house (subsequent children fall into the 7th and 9th houses respectively). Remember your creations can be children or they can be books or works of art or even companies – any use of your creative expression. It covers things you take a “gamble” on, enjoyment, pleasure and sport.

Sixth: Service; Sickness; Servants

The sign on the Sixth house tells you about your everyday work – the job that pays the bills, not necessarily your cosmic calling. It is also your house of health and health routines as well as people that you employ to help you. The “daily work” and daily routines house.

Seventh: Partnerships; Open Enemies; Marriage

The sign on this house tells you about your marriage partner; people who you would want to “partner” with, be it for love or business. Interestingly enough it is also the house of “open enemies” – people you are in contest with. For example, if you have a business rival, they fall into this house. If you marry a second time, the second marriage is ruled by your 9th house.

Eighth: Death; Inheritances; Mystical/Astral

One of two “woo-woo” houses as I like to call them. The sign on the Eighth house tells you about your sexual appetites; your relationship to other people’s money and resources or things you have inherited. It also relates to the search mystical and your spiritual journey; all of these things have a somewhat hidden quality to them, they require some work and digging to understand and synthesize into your life experience.

Ninth: Long Journeys; Higher Education; Spirituality

The Ninth house indicates your education after high school, whether it be a college, university or life experience. It is where you expand out into the world and shows your interests in that which is beyond your small orbit of life. Religion falls into this house, as well as long-distance travel (not sleeping in your own bed that night, though typically out of the country travel). Learning and sending your mind off to distant places is also covered by this house.

Tenth: Profession/Dharma; Father; Authority Figures

The cusp between the 9th and 10th house forms what we call the “midheaven” in astrology. The sign on the Tenth House cusp tells you a little bit about your higher calling, soul purpose or “dharma.” This house also tells you about your own father and your relationship to authority figures. If your job and your calling mesh together, this is more your work house and can also be the house of fame and honors.

Eleventh: Friends; Aspirations; Groups

The sign on this house tells you about your friendships and the groups of people that you associate with. It speaks to your personal dreams and goals in life.

Twelfth: Self-Help; Self-Undoing; Hidden Things/Places; Secrets

The second “woo-woo” house, the Twelfth House deals with that which is hard to see or grasp; hidden things. Big companies, big government; schools, hospitals. Things that take place behind closed doors. It is also the house that tells you about how you are your own best advocate and also your own worst enemy. It is the subconscious mind and the depths of your soul. This house is the final house of the wheel and anything transiting through here has to have the last bits of difficulty filtered out before it hits the First House and the cycle begins anew.

Whew. It’s a lot, I know! It takes a while to memorize these. Don’t feel the pressure to know them right away – but take a peek at your chart and see what areas are in high focus for you. At the very least, known the sign on your first house cusp – the ASC (Ascendant) or Rising Sign. That is crucial for general forecasts, like the wonderful ones by Chani Nicholas.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

The Planets


Basics of Medical Astrology