PEF Week of May 2, 2022

PEF Week of 5/2/22


Well, how is it going? We are coming out of the vibration of that partial New Moon Solar Eclipse late on April 30. It was big. Last week was SO much Pisces. Pisces is a beautiful, spiritual sign. But it’s not necessarily thriving in this world. There was a big pull to lower Pisces expressions like delusion, distraction and over-sensitivity. And some difficulty managing emotions.


Whew. We are coming back to solid ground; which makes things more difficult to change, so take that bitter with the better.


We start May with Venus moving into Aries, which doesn’t suit her. On Monday the 2nd the Moon sextile Jupiter, trines Pluto and sextiles Venus and then plows into Mercury in the sign of Aries. This is a big hint as to the coming Aries intensity.


High vibe Aries has purpose, fire, drive and wants to take action. Low vibe Aries is angry, doesn’t understand anything that gets in its way. Is quick to anger. So get that deep breathing going and find balance.


Blessing beam on Tuesday the 3rd from Jupiter in Pisces to Pluto in Capricorn; what is the change that needs to be made from those two areas of your life?


At the same time the Moon in Gemini squares Mars; talk less, listen more to high vibe this.


Wednesday huge; Mars sextiles Uranus and then on Thursday the 5th the Sun hits Uranus. Big understandings about what is going on in Taurus. Moon squares Venus; you might not like what you see, but see the truth. Watch for the magic, because synchronicities are very strong, especially for Leos, Taureans and Aquarians.


Friday the 6th lots of beneficial flows from Moon to Uranus, Sun, Mars and Neptune; Mercury to Venus; a good day. Your intuition is ON.


This flows into the 7th with strong positive connections; reality check on Sunday the 8th, Mothers Day. Celebrate Saturday if you can! Moon in Leo means she wants attention but there is some conflict with Uranus and Sun. Be adaptable and don’t get upset if your plans don’t go exactly according to schedule. 


Rock your week!





Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of May 9, 2022


The Six Least Affectionate Signs of the Zodiac