PEF Week of August 15, 2022

PEF Week of August 15, 2022


August 15. Mercury in Virgo trine NN and Uranus in Taurus; sextile to South Node in Scorpio. Solutions present themselves! Moon touches Jupiter in Aries; still flowing with the positive Mars trine to Pluto from the 14th. Take that inspired initiative!


August 16. Aries Moon trine Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus, Aries Moon squares Pluto then immediately voids. With a decent Moon void from 4:18 pm EST until it moves into Taurus at 10:22 pm. Have those difficult conversations. Be honest without being cruel.


August 17. Taurus Moon square Venus in Leo; careful with excesses, shopping too much, seeking security through money.


August 18. Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries; another caution on excess, but enjoy. Moon in Taurus comes together with Uranus and the NN, squares Saturn in Aquarius, trines Mercury in Virgo, sextile Neptune in Pisces. This is a LOT of energy. Inspired action gets put through the filter of “does this really work?” Great day for progress, so don’t waste it. Mars gets to the 29th degree of Taurus, a very difficult degree; a push to completion in that area of life.


August 19. Taurus Moon squares the Sun, but trines Pluto and then connects with Mars, both at the end degree of Taurus. Late in the day the Moon in Gemini sends blessing beams to Jupiter and to Venus. Big emotions, listen to your inner child. Moon Mars can cause conflicts with women, emotional-based actions.


August 20. Mars moves into Gemini. Total vibe change. Much more changeable. Less directed or directable. A strong urge to argue. Pay attention to the signs and symbols because Mars will be in Gemini till March due to the retrograde. Mercury in Virgo enters shadow zone of 24 degrees of Virgo, opposing Neptune in Pisces. You might not have the clarity you seek; wrap up Mercury missions asap.


August 21. Lots of Gemini Moon/Virgo Mercury/Pisces Neptune firing. Stay grounded, anchor into reality. Watch your mind AND your mouth. Gemmy Moon flows with Saturn in Aqua, so intuition might have the upper hand. Chiron Rx back to 15 degrees of Aries.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of August 22, 2022


Recommended Reading: Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet