PEF Week of 4/18/22

PEF Week of April 18, 2022

This week we begin with Mercury, the planet that rules the mind, expression, communication touching Uranus which represents change and synchronicity in the sign of Taurus. Lots of talk about money, values, what’s important. Talk about food, supply chains. This can also bring a mental desire to break free in some way; or it can bring synchronicity and insights. Sunday, Monday watch for these little bits of information flowing in. At the same time Venus sends a bit of luck to Uranus; potential new way forward or an idea that feels lucky or positive. Beware an overload of the nervous system or potential problems related to technology.

Keep in mind we are marching quickly towards eclipse season, and Mercury retrograde; get your stuff in order NOW. Any instincts that arrive early this week, LISTEN TO THEM. Do not let yourself be caught without medicine, food or supplies that you might need.

The same time on Monday we have Sun square Pluto; Sun in late Aries, Pluto in late Capricorn; where is the clash between those two areas of the chart? Usually brings major power struggles; the desire of the individual at odds with those in power. Tricky day for the war in Ukraine, but also could be a difficult day at work. Where are the Aries and Capricorn areas of your chart in conflict?

Tuesday the 19th, Happy Solar Return to Taurus as the Sun moves into that sign. What a time it has been and what a year it is going to be for you! 

Wednesday the Moon in Sagittarius clashes with everything in Pisces – Venus Neptune Jupiter. Remember Jupiter and Neptune still traveling tight! Your high-minded ideals can get lost in sadness. Don’t walk away from situations; untangle them.

Thursday the 21st  and Friday the 22nd  -- I like these days “Good Astrology” days  (when is the good astrology? Lol I’m recording a video on this soon) – Moon flows with everything – Sun, Mars, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter and then hits Pluto for a reality check. Pluto has been the end of the line a lot this month. The trip through Capricorn must come to completion in the next 1.5 years. Big lessons if things do not change. Great intuitive flow, pay attention to your emotional response to things. Don’t ignore intuition in favor of logic these days.

Sunday we wrap with Mercury in Taurus in a square to Saturn in Aqua; amplified by the Moon hitting Saturn. Put your filter on – your mind AND your mouth. Avoid arguments or saying toxic things. It gets a help from Neptune, so listen to inspiring music or podcasts to keep the vibe high. Get outdoors if you can, Earth energy is extra restorative right now.

And don’t forget; we are STILL in this long wave square of Saturn square to the Nodes; a clash between the Taurus and Scorpio areas of life to Aquarius. How can you high vibe the Scorp? How can you moderate the Taurus? How can you evolve the Aqua to make it stronger and more real? If you need more info on this look at my last few PEF blogs, or watch my special YouTube on this astrological event.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

Love Languages of the Zodiac


Manifesting Love