Love Languages of the Zodiac

We all need to be loved in our own unique way and astrology offers some clues. These are written very basically as Sun or Rising Sign, but could also relate to a person’s Moon sign and for sure their Venus.

What do YOU think? Does this description YOUR love language? Feedback is welcome!


The love language for Aries is sex. This Mars-ruled fire sign needs passion and intensity of connection. They also enjoy sharing athletic pursuits with a partner -- working out together or playing sports. They require a fair amount of freedom and independence in the relationship; don’t smother them.



This sensual sign needs touch of all types. Copious amounts of snuggling, stroking, massaging, kissing and love making. Food is another way to show love to a Taurean; cook for them or with them. These are the “lovers not the fighters” of the Zodiac, so don’t be argumentative or create strife. 



Communication and expression are the ways that Geminis connect. They want and need lots of talking, texting and time to discuss whatever is on their mind. Fabulous flirts, they love some sexy banter as well. Geminis invented sexting. Nurture their natural curiosity and keep things interesting.



Caretaking is the Cancers love language. Nurture them and be patient with them as their mood fluctuates, sometimes to extremes. Cancer needs to know you are really there for them. They tend to be home and hearth types, and tend to prefer canoodling at home or at a place where they feel safe and secure. Be very careful what you say to a Cancer; they are much more sensitive than they will allow you to know.



This sign needs positive, enthusiastic encouragement and plenty of attention. They need to be coddled a bit; they are more sensitive than you might think. You must absolutely “stroke the lion’s mane” by offering praise, compliments and affirmations about their beauty, magnetism, and sexual prowess. Sex is important to this sign as well; be sure to add a dash of dramatic flair.



This sign’s love language is doing all things in a way that meets their high standards. They want what they want, and they often want it to be “perfect” and that definition of perfection is quite individual. Love them by not pointing out their flaws; their inner critic is quite harsh. Offer them time, attention and create a safe place for them to explore their closet kinks. Also be neat, clean and smell good; exquisite hygiene is important to this sign.



This Venus-ruled sign loves a little romance. Partner-oriented as they are, they are already looking for Prince or Princess Charming. Bring them flowers, take them on romantic dates and woo them with beauty, grace and wit. Librans think smart is sexy. Don’t be argumentative, but do take charge; this sign often struggles with making decisions. 



The love language of a Scorpio is honesty, intensity, authenticity and integrity. Don’t keep secrets or try to scam them; they see through it all. This sign is associated with sexuality because it rules the 8th house of sex and transformation. Sexual connection for them is a deeply healing and regenerative practice.



Show the Sagittarius a good time, or let them show you. Have adventures, try new things; explore new worlds, different cuisines and learn along with them. This is a very physical sign, with the symbol being half animal and half human. Give them plenty of space to roam and they will reward that time apart by totally focusing on you and the moment when you are together. Sexual connection is very important; they love having sex outside in nature. 



This sign can be a little on the serious side. Be practical, earthy, and not extravagant; though if you do buy something or so somewhere, they will want it to be the best. Capricorn is an Earth sign and therefore needs lots of physical connection, hugs, touch and sex. They can be workaholics; give them a reason to leave the office on time.



The Aqua personality can feel a little prickly; love them by giving them space and letting them set the pace. They’ll want physical connection, but only on their terms. Don’t immediately go in for the hug, it will make them uncomfortable. They can be more passionate about causes than people. Don’t take their detached air personally. Help them to feel understood; they often feel like strangers in a strange land.



This personality merges with their beloved. They are the dreamers of the Zodiac and want a sometimes unattainable ideal. They are extra sensitive in every way, be cautious in your approach. They can be easily hurt and will keep you at arm’s length until they trust you. Be romantic and thoughtful; help them to feel safe and secure. Romance them with poetry, flowers and gifts from the heart. Speak gently to them and allow them to set the tone as far as any physical contact – ask permission. 


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

May 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast


PEF Week of 4/18/22