May 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast

Planetary Energy Forecast — May 2022


And just like that, it’s May. And the party changes from Pisces to Aries. Huge vibe change. Pisces is the end of the Zodiac; Aries is the very beginning. From water to fire. This month is powerful.


I know you are tired of me banging on about it but we are STILL dealing with the Nodes square Saturn, even though the aspecting is separating (moving apart) and Saturn is 2-3 degrees away from the precise square.  See every PEF I’ve written in April for more on that. The good news is that gets up to 25 degrees (the Nodes are at 22) so pulling out of the square; but then it retrogrades. More on that in the June forecast.


Jupiter in a widening (weaker) trine/sextile to the Nodes; Neptune still offering support at 24 and 25 degrees of Pisces for the whole of May.


Back up those computers, as of May 1 we are in the orb of Mercury Rx; more on that below.


On Monday, May 2, Venus goes into Aries; not her best placement. In this sign the Goddess wants what she wants when she wants it. Low vibe it can be a very immature type of love, craving or excess. Let her movement through this sign be high vibe by finding the will and drive to pursue positive pleasurable experiences, and perhaps gain a little more independence if that is needed. On that Monday with Moon in Gemini being lit up, lots of mental activity, good idea to stay grounded. Tuesday the 3rd a sweet sextile from Jupiter in Pisces to Pluto in Capricorn; know where they land in your chart and take that luck and use it well; don’t waste it. The Moon will be squaring Mars, so don’t go solely on intuition; use a balance of mind and heart.


Uranus activated the 4th with a sextile from Mars;  and then the Sun hits Uranus on the 5th.  Think magical synchronicities in the Taurus area of your life. Be careful of weather related events or sudden financial changes. You will want to be action oriented, so understand that urge and use it wisely. Intuitive hits big time.


May the 6th has multiple minor but blessing aspects; good “head and heart” day, as well as the 7th which also lends support with positive aspects.


Tuesday the 10th, a large day; Mercury goes Rx at 7:47 am at 4 degrees 51 minutes of Gemini. This is an empowered Mercury, so all Mercury-ruled things will be highly featured; transit, communication, supply chains, you name it. Get your duckies in order well BEFORE this date.


Another large piece of news for this day is Jupiter moving into Aries at 7:22 pm. Remember she is only here through the end of July and then will Rx at 8 degrees of Aries and go back through these early degrees and return to Pisces at the end of October and remain there till the end of December.  


Recall Jupiter is a 12-year cycle that can bring benefits and blessings or wretched excess and bravado. Look back to Jan-March of 2011 for hints of what this cycle brought you the last time … it will be retracing these degrees.


May 12-14 watch as Mars moves into a positive flow with the Nodes of the Moon; taking over from the position that Jupiter was in when it was sending positive beams to the Nodes, Mars offers some movement and a desire to take action; more than just hopes and dreams; it should show us ways to make things happen. Venus also gets within two degrees of Chiron in Aries. What needs to be healed in the Aries part of your chart? Heal it through Venusian ways of love, value, application of time and energy. Sunday the 15th they conjunct precisely; love is absolutely the answer. Sun in Taurus also in a square to Saturn in Aqua that day; in the shadow of our next eclipse. What areas of life are they for you? Broadly this is your values, money, resources clashing with aspirations, the broader collective and group-think.


Monday, May 16, Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio. Not here to play. This configuration sextiles Pluto, trines Jupiter and opposes Mercury. Positive, but difficult. Remember eclipses impact the area where they are visible from the Earth the strongest; this one is visible in both North and South America, Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. That’s a large impact event and it hits the Nodes right before it happens (Nodes at 22 degrees). Turning point astrology. Observe the symbolic events.


The next big event is Mars touching Neptune in Pisces on the 17th-18th at 24 degrees of Pisces, and we’re still in the eclipse vibe. This is the same degree where Jupiter met Neptune. Also flowing is a trine between the Moon in Sagg to Chiron in Aries. Moon Jupiter square adds intrigue and will help hopefully help you to stay balanced. High vibe through active spiritual practices, healing rituals. Excesses will not be tolerated. 


The 19th Sun trine Pluto, Moon trine Uranus, Mercury sextile Jupiter. Abundant blessings to help move forward. CHANGE is the only choice with this energy. 


The 20th, Happy Solar Return Gemini; lovely day Moon touches Pluto but blesses everything so catharsis potential; big feels. Another bringer of change.


May 21, Chiron goes to 15 degrees of Aries; Sun hits Mercury both at zero degrees of Gemini. They “back” into each other. Mercury touching the Sun is always interesting; astrologers call it “cazimi” which can burn it up; but yet also they are both in Gemini and Mercury is Rx; lots of mental energy, stay tethered to reality. Potential ideas springing up.


May 22, Mercury backs up into Taurus; Mars sextile Pluto and then on the 23rd Mercury sextile Mars; Mars at the latest degrees, wrapping up lessons in the Pisces area of the chart.


May 24, Mars into Aries; this is like coming home for Mars. Very familiar and empowered here. High vibe with positive action, discipline, drive, will. Beware anger, petulance, violence. Also a big Moon day. Conjuncts Neptune, sextiles Pluto, Mercury, moves into Aries, hits Mars and then hits Jupiter. HUGE feels.


As of May 25 we have Venus, Chiron, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, all in Aries. That’s some go energy friends. Mercury Rx in Taurus sweeps back into the trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Great insights into what needs to be changed. 


May 27, Venus at its late degree in Aries squares Pluto; then moves into Taurus on the 28th. Moon hits Uranus the 28th too. Beware violence; overestimating your strength or will; watch your spending. Venus loves being in Taurus and will feel relieved to be out of Aries so after the square you’ll feel things steady out.


The 29th big astrology; Moon moves from Taurus to Gemini and blesses Neptune and then Jupiter, Mars and Chiron in Aries; it squares Saturn; it trines Pluto; the continual work of change in the Aquarius and Capricorn areas of life. Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Aries. Must high vibe the Aries. 


May 30th New Moon at 9 degrees of Gemini at 7:30 am EST. Mars and Jupiter are hanging tight, but there are no other aspects; a clear slate to write your fate. It’s been a while since we had a good manifestation, Moon; use this one for your best evolution in the Gemini area of life. Gemini loves writing, communication, expression; speak your dreams to the World.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of 4/25/22


Love Languages of the Zodiac