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PEF Week of 8/8/22
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to prepare for the astrology of the week of August 8, 2022. Let’s figure out how to max out the beneficial astrology and minimize the difficult flows of energy. High vibe the week!
How to Manifest a Great (LOVE!) Relationship
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to learn how to manifest a great, wonderful, perfect-for-you LOVE relationship!
Spiritual Parenting Tips
Parenting in times like this seems extra hard. Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for a few basic Spiritual Parenting tips.
PEF Week of August 1, 2022
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for this week’s Planetary Energy Forecast to see how you can maximize the good astrology and manage the difficult astrology.
Dream Journaling
Dream journaling is an important tool for spiritual growth. Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for some tips on how to begin dream journaling.
PEF for August 2022
What’s up for the astrology of August 2022? Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the Planetary Energy Forecast and see how you can maximize the beneficial energies and manage the difficult transits.
The Most Optimistic Zodiac Signs
Join astrologer Jill Loftis to see what signs are the most optimistic.
What Each Sign Should Manifest for 2022
What areas of life are best for manifestation for 2022? Join Jill for the Rising Sign areas of life that are blessed by Jupiter this year.
What Types of Books Should You Read Based Upon Your Zodiac Sign?
What types of books are best suited to specific Zodiac signs? And are there any specific books for each sign? Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology makes some recommendations.
PEF Week of 6/27/22
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly planetary energy forecast so you can maximize positive energy and minimize the difficult aspects.
PEF Week of 6/20/22
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly planetary energy forecast so you can maximize positive energy and minimize the difficult aspects.
Journaling Prompts for Manifesting
How can journaling help you with manifesting? Knowing what you want is important! Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for journaling questions that can help you with manifestation.