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PEF Week of 6/13/22
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly planetary energy forecast so you can maximize positive energy and minimize the difficult aspects.
PEF Week of 6/6/22
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly planetary energy forecast so you can maximize positive energy and minimize the difficult aspects.
PEF Week of 5/30/22
Join Jill Loftis for the Planetary Energy Forecast for the week of May 30, 2022. We’ve got a lovely Manifestation Moon to begin the week, what else is in store? Read on!
PEF June 2022
The astrology of June should feel a little more calm than May. That said, there are lots of shifts and changes and challenges for you to be aware of. Read the forecast to maximize the good energy and minimize the difficult!
PEF Week of May 23, 2022
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for this week’s Planetary Energy Forecast for the week of May 23, 2022 and find out how you can high vibe the positive aspects and manage the low vibe transits.
Six Most Confident Zodiac Signs
What are the six most confident zodiac signs? Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to see what signs and if you agree.
Six Most Passionate Zodiac Signs
What are the top six most passionate zodiac signs? Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology and learn what signs tend towards passion and enthusiasm.
PEF Week of May 16, 2022
Eclipse tripping at 25 degrees of Scorpio to begin the week; powerful changes occurring, be sure to watch the Planetary Energy Forecast video on YouTube, as well as note these dates from the blog. High vibe your week!
Book Recommendation: Wisdom and Way of Astrology
Book recommendation of the month, Wisdom and Way of Astrology by Goswami Kriyananda, my teacher.
Best Scents for Each Sign of the Zodiac
What scents work best with each Zodiac sign? Join Jill Loftis to learn the classical perfumes related to each sign and how they relate to the energy of each one.
PEF Week of May 9, 2022
Join Jill Loftis for the weekly Planetary Energy Forecast. This week that begins May 9 is an exciting astrological week, with Mercury turning retrograde and the big news, Jupiter moving into the sign of Aries.
PEF Week of May 2, 2022
Join Jill for this week’s Planetary Energy Forecast; Venus into Aries and lots of blessings to help us manage the April 30 eclipse and prep for the May 16 one! Big life! High vibe it!
The Six Least Affectionate Signs of the Zodiac
Some Zodiac signs are touchy-feely and others like their space. Learn more about the top six least affectionate zodiac signs according to Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology.
PEF Week of 4/25/22
Weekly Planetary Energy Forecast for April 25, 2022. What a huge astrological week! This blog is the companion to the YouTube video I have posted for the week.
May 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast
Welcome to your May 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast. It’s a huge month, read the companion to the YouTube video that helps you to maximize positive energy and minimize difficult astrology.
Love Languages of the Zodiac
What are the Love Languages of each sign of the Zodiac? Join Jill Loftis for some general ideas about how to speak the love language of each sign.
PEF Week of 4/18/22
Join Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly Planetary Energy Forecast for the week of April 18, 2022. This blog is the companion to the YouTube video and can help you to record dates and events for the month.