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December 2023 Moon Voids
Join astrologer Jill Loftis for a listing of all of the dates and times that the Moon is void of course for the month of December, 2023. This is a time when you should not sign contracts or make decisions that you want to “stick.” It is a floaty, nebulous time that is best suited to creative and spiritual work.
Breathwork & Sound Bath December 10
Join Jill Loftis and Cheryl Murphy for relaxing restorative breathwork and the deeply healing sounds of singing bowls. @FYB Studio in the Roanoke area; details on the image!
PEF Week of November 27, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly Planetary Energy Forecast. Learn how to high vibe the positive aspects and minimize the negative astrological energies. Be sure to check out the YouTube video forecast.
Holiday Gift Certificate Special
Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology is running a special for the holiday season. Purchase a gift certificate for a 1.5 hour deep dive reading and you will receive a free 2024 astrology overview for yourself. Limited time offer!
Your 2024 Vision Board
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to learn about what is a Vision Board and how to engage in the process of preparing one to manifest your absolute best and brightest 2024!
Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Ghost You
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to learn which signs are most likely to ghost you — not returning your texts and calls.
PEF Week of November 20, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the Planetary Energy Forecast for the week. See how you can high vibe the aspects and avoid low vibe manifestations of the astrological energy.
Recommended Read: The Wisdom of Your Face
Join astrologer Jill Loftis for her monthly book recommendation. This month it is The Wisdom of Your Face by Jean Haner. A fascinating look at how your features determine personality through Chinese face reading techniques.
The Bravest Zodiac Signs
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to learn which signs tend to be the most brave.
PEF Week of November 13, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the Planetary Energy Forecast for the week. See how you can high vibe the aspects and avoid low vibe manifestations of the astrological energy.
Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Hold a Grudge
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology as she lists the top six zodiac signs that tend to hold a grudge.
Compatibility: Leo and Cancer
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology to investigate the compatibility of Leo and Cancer personalities.
Three Most Monogamous Zodiac Signs
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for a blog on the three signs she considers to be the most monogamous zodiac signs.
PEF Week of November 6, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the Planetary Energy Forecast for the week. See how you can high vibe the aspects and avoid low vibe manifestations of the astrological energy.
Tarot for Beginners
Join astrologer and tarot reader Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for a brief introductory Tarot for Beginner’s blog, including a link to her FREE Intro to Tarot Course.
PEF Week of October 30, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the Planetary Energy Forecast for the week. See how you can high vibe the aspects and avoid low vibe manifestations of the astrological energy.
November 2023 Forecast
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the astrological forecast for the month of November, 2023. Let this blog help you to high vibe the astrology of the month of November and avoid low vibe energy management.
PEF Week of October 23, 2023
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology for the weekly Planetary Energy Forecast so that you can high vibe the energy and stay away from low vibe manifestations. Be sure to watch the YouTube video that accompanies each forecast at the Nuit Astrology channel.
Compatability: Virgo and Capricorn
Join astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology as she discusses the compatibility between Virgo and Capricorn.
Recommended Read: Mudras for Healing and Transformation
Join astrologer Jill Loftis for her monthly book recommendation. This month it is the most complete mudra book you will ever need; Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian Le Page.